There are many volunteer opportunities to suit nearly everyone from running a trap/toxin line to working in our native tree nursery. Here is a brief overview and contact information for our volunteer coordinator.
Busby trappers – are a group that meets on the second Sunday of the month for about two to three hours to rebait and check the trap lines in the Smugglers/Busby head section of the reserve.
The Bream Head Newbold Nursery – Thanks to local landowner Rupert Newbold, we have a large
area on the reserve boundary operating as a native plant nursery with the capacity to grow 10,000
5 minute bird call counts – Every quarter we have teams of two or three who visit stations located throughout the reserve to count all calls and sighting of birds in the area.
Kiwi call counting – every May June, we participate in the annual kiwi call counts.
Trap Toxin lines on Te Whara – On the main reserve there are trap and toxin lines the entire reserve. Some of these are through steep terrain.
Smuggler’s Track Maintenance – The Smugglers loop track is one of the most popular walks on the reserve and circles a large sunny headland that we is the main site for our current revegetation efforts. These new plantings require “releasing” from invasive weeds as well as some care and attention to the perimeter of the main track.